The Ant-Mote™ Prototype

About Us

We are a family of Architects, Artists, Industrial Designers, and Photographers that have ideas we think we should bring to the world every day. A new house gift of an Aspects Hummingbird feeder and copper pole started us on our path to create The Ant-Mote™. We loved the thrill of seeing our first hummingbird arrive in our garden and became fascinated by their behavior. But in short order, they stopped visiting and we saw the slurry of ants that had collected in their feeder.

With no readily available pole-mounted solution to stop the insects from invading the feeder, and not wanting to use a shepherd’s hook, we challenged ourselves to solve the problem. The first prototypes were pretty crude, but they worked, and not only did they keep the ants away, but we were also treated to a variety of birds that stopped by to drink and take a bath. Our solution worked better than we thought!

Over the next several years guests saw the activity and wanted The Ant-Mote™ for themselves. When we explained it was our invention, and not commercially available, the most common comment was “You should make those things and sell them”. So, after three years, we did.

Our entire family works on this project. We set up a micro-manufacturing operation in our New Jersey home from which we make and fulfill our orders. We designed the production process, website, graphics, art, and have been on the road personally doing sales. All products, including the recyclable bags The Ant-Mote™ is packaged in, are made and sourced in the U.S., and we are very proud of that. Certainly, not the least expensive way to go, but we think it’s the only way to go.