Did you know…

…many of the most popular nectar feeders are already designed to be pole-mounted! When we began the design development process we took a long time to understand the state of the industry. The Ant-Mote™ exists in a unique position, while it is a product that opens up a completely new way of mounting your nectar feeder in your garden and attracting more birds, it is not the primary product within that decision. Our ant moat works in harmony with existing nectar feeders and the wide variety of poles available through multiple channels.

Right out of the box, many of the best and most popular nectar feeders are already designed to be pole-mounted.

When we started our design development we spend a significant amount of time looking at the existing market to see how this product solution could be integrated in the best way possible. What we found is that many of the most popular and highest quality American-Made nectar feeders are already designed to be pole-mounted. However, as we quickly discovered, they only solve the ubiquitous ant problem when they are being hung from a hook. We took great care to arrive at the ⅝” pole diameter for The Ant-Mote™ because we realized that this is already compatible with dozens of existing nectar feeders.

As we tested our product and refined the design, we noticed some great additional benefits. First, we found that the greater stability that comes with pole-mounting a nectar feeder virtually eliminates the unpleasant reality of coming out to your garden after a storm or high winds and finding your feeder on the ground. Hummingbirds rely on these feeders once they have decided where to nest and losing a food source could be devastating for a young bird family. Second, stability leads to higher visibility which begets greater enjoyment-ability. Because we no longer have to look at our garden through a heavy metal arc, we can bring our feeders right up to our porch, placing the poles within our garden beds which means our local hummingbirds are only feet away when they visit those feeders. Finally, while we are not wildlife photographers, we have noticed that when our birds will alight on our pole-mounted feeders we can observe so much more of their detail and beauty. We hope that this benefit will be discovered by hummingbird photographers soon and we can start sharing some of those incredible photos!

If you are a photographer using The Ant-Mote™ in your garden, we would love to feature your work. Please share it with us: info@theantmote.com


Designing The Ant-Mote™


The Ant-Mote™ in Indianapolis!